CDWM Water Main and Ancillary Sewer Construction Program

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Since 2012, True North has conducted approximately 750 limited Phase II Site Investigations on behalf of contractors performing maintenance, repair and replacement of existing water mains and sewers that date back to the late 1800s. True North performed all sampling and reporting activities in compliance with Illinois Department of Transportation Specifications (IDOT) Section 669: Removal and Disposal of Regulated Substances; 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 742: Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives; and 35 Illinois Administrative Code 1100: Clean Construction or Demolition Debris Fill Operations.

Typical projects involve completing limited Phase II Site Investigation activities on approximate 300- to 5,000-linear-foot city right-of-ways to characterize soils either certified uncontaminated soil or hazardous, special or non-special waste soil. Limited investigation activities generally include permit and utility coordination activities, subcontracting and overseeing the advancement of soil borings within the project areas, collection of soil samples, subcontracting laboratory analytical services and providing summary reports to the contractors and City of Chicago. Based on the results of these investigation activities, True North provides the appropriate documentation required for soil placement at a permitted landfill, permitted clean fill operation or reuse within a project.